External use

Producten op deze pagina zijn voor uitwendig gebruik
All product on this page is for external use

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  • 999 Pi Yan Ping Itch Relief Ointment  20ml
    999 Pi Yan Ping Itch Relief Ointment 20ml

    1 box 999 Pi Yan Ping Itch Relief Ointment Cream

    Unit: 20 Grams per Tube.

    Manufactured by: Sanju Medical & Pharmaceutical Co. ltd.

    Product of: China


    • Dexamethasone 0.075%, Camphor 1%, menthol 1%


    € 11,00
  • -43%

    Acyclovir Cream Xiao Min
    Acyclovir Cream Xiao Min

    Acyclovir Cream Xiao Min
    Net w. 15gram

    Usage and Dosage: Topical / External use only .Take appropriate amount of this product to coat the affected area. Adults and children are once every 2 hours during the day, 4~6 times a day…

    € 11,50 € 6,50
  • Ammeltz Yoko Yoko geurloos formule 80ml
  • Antibacterial foot spray
    Antibacterial foot spray

    Antibacterial sprays Dongy brand plant herbal antibacterial spray

    € 9,50
  • Axe brand Red flower oil - Zheng Hong Hua You - 22ml
    Axe brand Red flower oil - Zheng Hong Hua You - 22ml

    Axe brand Red flower oil - Zheng Hong Hua You - 22ml
    methylsalicylaat, cinnarmon olie, citronella-olie, terpentijnolie, kaneel blad olie, paprika oleohars, sanguis draconis
    ( dit product bevat geen flos…

    € 7,50
  • Axe Brand Universal Oil - Leung Kai Fook 10ml
  • Axe Brand Universal Oil - Leung Kai Fook 56ml
    Axe Brand Universal Oil - Leung Kai Fook 56ml

    A handy medicine for quick relief of cold and headache

    Axe Brand Universal Oil made from a unique formula and has been used throughout the world for over 80 years. It is pure in color, pleasant in odor. It is mild yet suitable…

    € 18,50
  • Bai hua you - White flower oil 20ML
    Bai hua you - White flower oil 20ML

    White Flower Analgesic Balm (also called Pak Fah Yeow) is made from a traditional blend of aromatic herbs such as lavender and mint. This cooling balm helps relieve pain of minor headaches and pains made worse from poor…

    € 11,50
  • Bai hua you - White flower oil 5ML
    Bai hua you - White flower oil 5ML

    White Flower Analgesic Balm (also called Pak Fah Yeow) is made from a traditional blend of aromatic herbs such as lavender and mint. This cooling balm helps relieve pain of minor headaches and pains made worse from poor…

    € 6,50
  • Ban Fenzhong - Boyuan® Antibacterial Spray - 博源®抑菌喷剂
    Ban Fenzhong - Boyuan® Antibacterial Spray - 博源®抑菌喷剂

    Ban Fenzhong - Boyuan® Antibacterial Spray - 博源®抑菌喷剂

    Specification: Liquid/20mL/bottle

    Ingredients: Centipedae ​​Herba Extract, (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Extract, Magnolia biondii Pamp Extract, Platycodon…

    € 9,50
  • Bi shu Tong - Nas Open - 鼻舒通 - 20ML
    Bi shu Tong - Nas Open - 鼻舒通 - 20ML

    Bi Shu Tong - Nas Open - 鼻舒通

    20ml per bottleRecommended use:
    Spray in the nose, 3 times a day.
    Water, Centipeda minima, Magnolia biondii flower, Xanthium…

    € 11,50
  • Boxing Liniment - Thaise Namman Muay Olie 120ml
    Boxing Liniment - Thaise Namman Muay Olie 120ml

    Originating from Thailand exclusively and using all Natural Active Ingredients, Namman Muay translated to English means Boxing Liniment. Boxing Liniment is a product category martial artists and athletes have come to trust and…

    € 12,50
  • CAP LANG Cajuput Olie - 120Ml
    CAP LANG Cajuput Olie - 120Ml

    Indication: Help to soothe stomachache, bloated stomach, nausea, and itches due to insect/mosquito bites.

    Composition: Cajuput Oil 100% / Eucalyptusolie 100%
    Directions: Rub at the affected areasCAP LANG CAJUPUT OIL uses cajuput…

    € 8,00
  • EXPIRE DATE : 30-06-2025

    Dai wen jiu gao - Warm plaster moxa substitute EXPIRE DATE : 30-06-2025
    Dai wen jiu gao - Warm plaster moxa substitute EXPIRE DATE : 30-06-2025

    Dai wen jiu gao - Warm plaster moxa substitute
    Daiwenjiu Gao ​Z43020966
    代溫灸膏12 pieces, 5cm x7cm

    Recommended use:
    For external use only , plaster on the intended area
    Not to be used by pregant woman.

    € 18,50 € 14,50
  • New packaged

    Dieda Wanhua You - Pain Relieving Oil - 35 Ml
    Dieda Wanhua You - Pain Relieving Oil - 35 Ml

    English name for this formula
    Ten Thousand Flower Oil for Traumas
    Pain relieving oil
    Dieda wanhua you - Die da wan hua oilIngredients:

    Wild chrysanthemum, black medicine, waterweed, Xu Changqing, garlic, purslane, chives,…

    € 8,00
  • Ear candles - Oorkaarsen 2pc
    Ear candles - Oorkaarsen 2pc

    Ear candles have a purely physical fanction. A light suction (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame createa vibration of air in the Ear Candle, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. This induces a pleasant feeli

    € 7,50
  • Ear candles | Indian 2pc
    Ear candles | Indian 2pc

    2 pc

    € 4,50
  • Feng You Jing - Wind oil  3ml
    Feng You Jing - Wind oil 3ml

    Description: Shelf life: Unopened three years Effect: Cool, analgesic, carminative, anti-itch. For mosquito bites and colds caused by headache, dizziness, motion sickness discomfort. Use method: Topical, rubbed on the affected…

    € 1,80
  • Fu De Kang Ruan Gao - Dermacura Cream 30ml - 膚得康軟膏
    Fu De Kang Ruan Gao - Dermacura Cream 30ml - 膚得康軟膏

    Fu De Kang Ruan Gao - Dermacura Cream 30ml - 膚得康軟膏Specification:
    30ml per bottleRecommended use:
    External use only. Apply to intended area, 1-3 times a…

    € 14,50
  • Gua sha you - Gua sha olie - 100ml
    Gua sha you - Gua sha olie - 100ml

    Gua Sha You

    € 9,75
  • Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation - Pak Fah Yeow 10ml red
    Hoe Hin White Flower Embrocation - Pak Fah Yeow 10ml red

    Hoe Hin Pak Fah Yeow MFY.LTD. 10ML

    Methl Salicylate
    Menthol Crystal
    Eucalyptus Oil
    Lavender Oil

    € 9,75
  • Hongthai brand - Compound herb inhaler formula 2
    Hongthai brand - Compound herb inhaler formula 2

    Hongthai brand - Compound herb inhaler formula 2
    1 piece
    Ingredients : Menthol 20g Camphor 20g Borneol 15g eucalyptus oil 5g and other herbs.

    € 6,50
  • Hua Tuo Huo Lu Oil 50ml
    Hua Tuo Huo Lu Oil 50ml

    Hua Tuo Huo Lu Oil

    Active Ingredients

    Methyl Salicylate 40%

    Menthol 36%

    Camphor 10%


    External Analgesic


    Temporarily relieves minor aches, muscles and joint pains due to:

    ∙ simple backache
    ∙ arthritis

    € 16,95
  • Hua tuo Ointment Cream 10g
    Hua tuo Ointment Cream 10g

    Hua tuo Ointment Cream 10g

    Function:Bactericidal and antipruritic, used for ringworm, itchy toes, goosefoot,
    Ingredients: Cream plum oil, camphor, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, vaseline, paraffin,
    Properties:This product is a…

    € 6,50
  • Huang lian gao - Golden cream
    Huang lian gao - Golden cream

    Product Names:
    Golden Cream
    Huang Lian Gao
    EN: Clearing heat and resolving toxin, alleviateing swelling and pains.
    CN: 清热解毒、消腫止痛。
    PL: Oczyszcza gorąco i usuwa toksyny,…

    € 12,50
  • Huang Pi Fu - 黄皮肤软膏
    Huang Pi Fu - 黄皮肤软膏

    ProductbeschrijvingNatuurlijke creme voor huidaandoeningen.

    Huang pi fu is een créme die uitstekend geschikt is voor allerlei huidaandoeningen. Het wordt steeds meer bekend om zijn snelle werking. Het helpt jeuk te verminderen,…

    € 11,50
  • Huanglian Eczema Cream 30ml
  • Huangqin Acne Cream 30 ml  黄芩膏 / 每瓶30毫升,用于痤疮。
    Huangqin Acne Cream 30 ml 黄芩膏 / 每瓶30毫升,用于痤疮。

    huang qin cream for acne / 30 ml

    黄芩膏 / 每瓶30毫升,用于痤疮。

    € 7,50
  • Huatuo - Hemerroid Creme
  • -32%

    Huo Luo oil  - Good luck oil 30ml
    Huo Luo oil - Good luck oil 30ml

    Hou luo you - GOOD LUCK

    Main Ingredients: Artemisia glabra, saffron, hippocampus, menthol, borneol, camphor, turpentine oil, wintergreen oil, cinnamon oil, etc.

    Application: Has the function of promoting rehabilitation and…

    € 9,50 € 6,50
  • Huo luo you  - 40ml
    Huo luo you - 40ml

    Huo luo you - 40ml

    Many of our experienced martial artists often asked for a pain relief tonic, which can be used with frequent injuries but does not dry out the skin. Our TCM supplier recommended us the Huo Luo You, which has a…

    € 22,50
  • Imada Hotdrug Oil - Luen Wah 40ml
    Imada Hotdrug Oil - Luen Wah 40ml

    A combination of Chinese herbs and natural essences specially for the relief of all kinds of muscle aches pains caused by fatigue or physical exercise.

    Indications :
    Muscle pains, joint shoulder pains, swelling…

    € 17,50
  • Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Boom sap
    Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Boom sap

    Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Boom sap - Sap Power Quick Foot Sheet (1 bag 2 sheets)

    How to use:
    - Attach the printed side of the sap sheet to the centre of the fixing sheet.
    - After bathing, apply to the soles of your feet before…

    € 6,50
  • Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Ginseng
    Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Ginseng

    Japanse Detox Foot Patches - Ginseng 1 bag 2 pc
    Sap Power Korean Ginseng Quick Feet Sheet

    - Place the sap sheet/saw lint side in the center of the fixing sheet.
    - After bathing, in a clean state, apply to the soles…

    € 6,50
  • Jing wan hong - Sana ointment
    Jing wan hong - Sana ointment

    Product Names:
    Sana Ointment
    Jing Wan Hong
    EN: Clearing heat evil and removing toxin, cooling blood and removing stasis, eliminating swelling and killing pain, removing erosion and promoting growth of tissue.

    € 16,50
  • This is one of China's major herbal supplements for burns

    Jing Wan Hong Ruan Gao  20ML
    Jing Wan Hong Ruan Gao 20ML

    Jing Wan Hong Ruan Gao

    An instantaneous cure for light and serious scalds or burns caused by boiling water, strong fire, boiling oil, steam, molten steel and chemical substance reacting on human body.

    This is one of China's…

    € 12,50
  • Kwan Loong Medicated Oil 3ML
    Kwan Loong Medicated Oil 3ML

    Kwan Loong Oil 3ml

    Deze verfrissende olie komt van pas voor een snelle en effectieve verlichting van duizeligheid, hoofdpijn, reisziekte, verstopte neus, buikpijn, verstuikingen, reumatische pijnen en versnelt de genezing van…

    € 4,50
  • Kwan Loong Medicated Oil 57ML
    Kwan Loong Medicated Oil 57ML

    Kwan Loong Oil 57ML

    Deze verfrissende olie komt van pas voor een snelle en effectieve verlichting van duizeligheid, hoofdpijn, reisziekte, verstopte neus, buikpijn, verstuikingen, reumatische pijnen en versnelt de genezing van…

    € 12,85
  • Ling nan - Bohe Huoluo gao 18g
    Ling nan - Bohe Huoluo gao 18g

    Hong Kong lingnan should plaster Mint adjustable 18 g antiphlogistic cream relaxes the muscles active drugs
    Product name: lingnan should mint adjustable cream
    Product formulations: ointments
    Dosage: apply to affected area a…

    € 7,50
  • Liu huang  Zao - Sulfur Soap
  • Mentholatum 28g
    Mentholatum 28g

    Mentholatum 28g

    € 9,00
  • Mentholatum 85 g
    Mentholatum 85 g

    Mentholatum 85 g

    € 14,50
  • Minyak Gosok 90ml
    Minyak Gosok 90ml

    Minyak Gosok Oil Cap Tawon FF 90ml. Gosok olie is een goede vervanger voor Tanga olie. Minyak Gosok Olie Cap Tawon is een traditionele en veelzijdige massage-olie uit Makassar.

    * bij ochtendstijfheid.
    * gevoelige…

    € 14,50
  • Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment 10ml
    Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment 10ml

    Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream 10ML
    For External use only.clear away heat and toxic material, remove the putrid tissues and promote their tissue regeneration. Used for hemorrhoids swelling and pain, painful anal…

    € 9,50
  • Otsuka Oronine H Ointment - 娥羅納英H軟膏
    Otsuka Oronine H Ointment - 娥羅納英H軟膏

    Otsuka Oronine H Ointment - 娥羅納英H軟膏
    1 botle 100 gr

    Usage and Indications: For acne. skin eruptions, minor burns, chapped skin, chilblains. minor cuts, dry athlete's foot, ringwormDirections: Rub onto the affected part…

    € 18,50
  • Paeonol Ointment - Dan Pi Fen Cream 15g
    Paeonol Ointment - Dan Pi Fen Cream 15g

    Usage and dosage:For external use.Coating affected parts with 2-3 times per day
    Apply it on upper lip under nose if preventing flu or in the nasal cavity if preventing rhinitis.
    Application:Antiallergic drug with…

    € 11,50
  • Pi fu ping ruan gao  - Skin care cream
    Pi fu ping ruan gao - Skin care cream

    Product Names:
    Skin Care Cream
    Pi Fu Ping Ruan Gao

    EN: Nourishing blood and moistening skin, dispelling wind and stopping itch.
    CN: 養血潤膚,祛風止癢。
    PL: Odżywia krew i…

    € 14,50
  • Pien Tze Huang Pearl Cream 25g - 皇后牌片仔癀珍珠膏
    Pien Tze Huang Pearl Cream 25g - 皇后牌片仔癀珍珠膏

    Pien Tze Huang Pearl Cream 25g

    Queen Pearl cream deeply moisturises the skin, leaving it hydrated and smooth. This product contains all natural ingredients to help control acne while maintaining moisturised skin. It can eliminate…

    € 12,50
  • Ping on Ointment - Four seasons ultra balm
    Ping on Ointment - Four seasons ultra balm

    Main Usage

    Ping On Ointment has been widely used for
    Muscular pain, strain, lumbago, headache, common cold, seasickness, burns or scalds, swelling, minor bleeding, chilblains, chapped skin, aches and itches except allergic ache.…

    € 5,50
  • Ping On Ointment 1 box - Yee On Tong - Four season ping on balm
    Ping On Ointment 1 box - Yee On Tong - Four season ping on balm

    A packet of 12 pcs

    8gram per containers

    Ping On Ointment has been widely used for

    Muscular pain, strain, lumbago, headache, common cold, seasickness, burns or scalds, swelling, minor bleeding, chilblains, chapped skin, aches…

    € 54,00
  • Po sum on oil - Po sum on yuo  - 30ml
    Po sum on oil - Po sum on yuo - 30ml

    Po Sum On Medicated OilThe name of this product sounds like a mispronounciation of "pour some on," which seems appropriate enough and is easy to remember it by. But, this is the Cantonese for what is called in mandarin Bao Xin…

    € 18,50
  • -14%

    Professional foot treating massage oil natural
    Professional foot treating massage oil natural

    Product Names:
    Professional foot treating massage oil
    Xiang Xun Zu Liao An Mo You
    500ml per bottle
    Net weight 500 ml Suggested Use:
    External use. Warm the feet in hot water for 20 min, dry the…

    € 14,50 € 12,50
  • Qin Bai Gao - Eczema Cream (芩柏膏) 30g
    Qin Bai Gao - Eczema Cream (芩柏膏) 30g

    Qin Bai Gao - Eczema Cream (芩柏膏)
    Herbal cream to treat skin conditions, relieve toxins and stop itching ,such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.Box contains 1 x 30g


    Radix Scutellariae, Cortex…

    € 10,50
  • Qing liang Oil  - Tjing Liang yu - Mini Balm
    Qing liang Oil - Tjing Liang yu - Mini Balm

    Qingliang Oil Yellow - Tjing Liang yu

    Solid Tiger Balm Essential Oil

    Tigerbalm pocket red

    Cooling Headache Chinese Refreshing Ointment Prevent Mosquito

    Small size mini balm , size of 0,50€

    € 0,95
  • Qing liang you - Muscle and joint balm (red)
    Qing liang you - Muscle and joint balm (red)

    Product Names:
    Muscle and Joint Balm
    Qing Liang You
    EN: Releasing heat, refreshing, stopping itching and alleviating pains.
    CN: 清凉散热,醒脑提神,止痒止痛。
    PL: Uwalnia gorąco i…

    € 8,50
  • Qing liang you - Muscle and joint balm (White)
    Qing liang you - Muscle and joint balm (White)

    Product Names:
    Muscle and Joint Balm
    Qing Liang You
    EN: Releasing heat, refreshing, stopping itching and alleviating pains.
    CN: 清凉散热,醒脑提神,止痒止痛。
    PL: Uwalnia gorąco i…

    € 8,50
  • Qingdai Psoriasis cream 30 ml
    Qingdai Psoriasis cream 30 ml

    qing dai cream for psoriasis / 30 ml

    青黛膏 / 每瓶30毫升,用于用于银屑病。

    € 7,50
  • Saffron foot bath powder
    Saffron foot bath powder

    Saffron foot bath powder

    8g x 30 bags


    – An extremely tired individual is not suitable for foot soaking
    – Skin damage around foot area and individuals with burn injuries are not suitable for foot soaking
    – Patient…

    € 7,50
  • Shou wu xi fa jing - Meibo shampoo
    Shou wu xi fa jing - Meibo shampoo

    Shou wu xi fa jing - Meibo shampoo

    Product Names:
    Meibo Shampoo
    Shou Wu Xi Fa Jing
    300g per bottle
    Net weight 300 grams Suggested Use:
    Biotanic care. Wet the hair first. Apply a bit of shampoo on the…

    € 10,25
  • Siang Pure Oil -  Red
    Siang Pure Oil - Red

    25 cc

    € 7,75
  • Siang Pure oil - White
    Siang Pure oil - White

    25 cc

    € 7,75
  • Tiger Balm - Neck & Shoulder rub boost - Non Greasy
    Tiger Balm - Neck & Shoulder rub boost - Non Greasy

    TIGER BALM NECK & SHOULDER RUB BOOSTThe favorite Tiger Balm Neck & Shoulder Rub formula given an extra oomph to deliver stronger shoulder pain relief, and soothe stiff neck and muscles aches. A modern workday staple for the busy…

    € 11,50
  • -19%

    Tigerbalm Red
    Tigerbalm Red

    Tijgerbalsem Rood
    Tijgerbalsem kan worden gebruikt bij vermoeide, stijve of gevoelige spieren na lichamelijke inspanning. De balsem kan ook gebruikt worden voorafgaand aan lichamelijke inspanning om de doorbloeding te…

    € 8,00 € 6,50
  • Tigerbalm White
    Tigerbalm White

    Tijgerbalsem Wit
    Tijgerbalsem kan worden gebruikt bij vermoeide, stijve of gevoelige spieren na lichamelijke inspanning. De balsem kan ook gebruikt worden voorafgaand aan lichamelijke inspanning om de doorbloeding te…

    € 8,00
  • Tjing Tjau Balsem
    Tjing Tjau Balsem

    Tjing Tjau Balsem

    Aromatische balsem voor hoofd en spieren uit Indonesië.

    Meerdere toepassingen Tjing-Tjau Balsem:

    * Weldadige invloed op het hoofd, een beetje aanbrengen op het voorhoofd en in de nek.
    * Een beetje onder de…

    € 7,75
  • Wing Long Brand - Medicated oil 10ml
    Wing Long Brand - Medicated oil 10ml

    Wing Long Brand - Medicated oil 10ml
    Since 1938 , it was already very popular in south Asia and Singapore
    Man Yuan fuzzhou medicine Co.,LTD.

    Actions : In Cuts, burns , bruises, insect bites, sprains, dislocations , fainting fits…

    € 4,75
  • Wong lop kong oil  30ml
    Wong lop kong oil 30ml

    Wong Lop Kong Medicated Oil

    For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains.

    Net wt.1 fl. Oz. (30mL)

    Manufactured by: Wong Lap Kwong…

    € 18,50
  • Wong to yick - Wood lock you
    Wong to yick - Wood lock you

    Product Names:
    Wood Lock Medicated Balm
    Huo Luo You
    EN: Stimulating blood circulation and resolving blood stasis, dredging channels and subduing swellings.
    CN: 活血化瘀,通絡消腫。
    PL: Pobudza…

    € 23,50
  • Xuan yao gao - Yee tin tong limited- Ring worm ointment
    Xuan yao gao - Yee tin tong limited- Ring worm ointment

    Product Names:
    Xuan Yao Gao

    Promoting blood circulation removing toxic materials in blood,killing parasites to relieve itching.

    For skin wet poison,itchy body and face,psoriasis,wet and dry…

    € 11,50
  • Yun nan bai yao ya gao - Yunnan baiyao toothpaste 100 gram
    Yun nan bai yao ya gao - Yunnan baiyao toothpaste 100 gram

    Yun nan bai yao ya gao - Yunnan baiyao toothpaste

    Product Names:
    Yunnan Baiyao Toothpaste
    Yun Nan Bai Yao Ya Gao

    Net weight 100 grams

    € 12,50
  • Yun nan bai yao ya gao (Mint)- Yunnan baiyao mint toothpaste 100 gram
    Yun nan bai yao ya gao (Mint)- Yunnan baiyao mint toothpaste 100 gram

    Yun nan bai yao ya gao - Yunnan baiyao mint toothpaste

    Net weight 100 grams

    € 13,25
  • Yunnan Baiyao Aerosol Qi wu ji  (Baoxianye) 50ml/60ml
  • Yunnan Baiyao Ding 30ml - 云南白药
    Yunnan Baiyao Ding 30ml - 云南白药

    Yunnan Baiyao Ding 30ML

    Indications: swelling and painkilling, muscle soreness, rheumatism, numbness, joint pain, frostbite.

    For external use: apply an appropriate amount to the affected area for three minutes each time, 3-5…

    € 10,50
  • Zhen zhu ming mu di yan ye - Bright eye drops
    Zhen zhu ming mu di yan ye - Bright eye drops

    Zhen zhu ming mu di yan ye - Bright eye drops

    Product Names:
    Bright Eye Drops
    Zhen Zhu Ming Mu Di Yan Ye
    EN: Clearing heat and purging fire, nourishing the liver to improve visual acuity.

    € 5,75
  • -29%

    Zheng gu shui - Rightbone lotion 60ml
    Zheng gu shui - Rightbone lotion 60ml

    Product Names:
    Rightbone Lotion Spray
    Zheng Gu Shui
    EN: Promoting blood circulation and removing bloss stasis, relaxing muscles and tendons and activating the flow of Qi and blood in the channels,…

    € 14,75 € 10,50
  • Zheng hong hua you - Red flower oil
    Zheng hong hua you - Red flower oil

    Zheng hong hua you - Red flower oil

    Product Names:
    Red Flower Oil
    Zheng Hong Hua You
    EN: Promoting blood circulation and removing bloss stasis, dredging the channels and alleviating pain.

    € 9,95
  • Zheng Hong Hua You - Red Flower oil - Saffloerolie
    Zheng Hong Hua You - Red Flower oil - Saffloerolie

    Brand : Lingnan Wanying
    Specification: 30ml per bottle

    Het verdrijven van wind en damp, het verdrijven van kou en het verlichten van pijn, gebruikt voor pijnlijke spieren en botten, spiervermoeidheid, kneuzingen en…

    € 9,50
  • Zheng Hong Hua You - Red Flower Oil - Wing long Red 20ml
    Zheng Hong Hua You - Red Flower Oil - Wing long Red 20ml

    Red Flower Oil Wing Long 20ml is een rode verwarmende bloemen olie, en wordt gebruikt bij stijve en overbelaste spieren bijv na het sporten of tillen. Toepasbaar op nek, schouders, rug, knieen en benen.
    Red Flower Olie maakt…

    € 7,50
  • -27%

    Zhenzhu Mingmu Diyanye - 珍珠明目滴眼液 - Pearl Eye Drops EXPIRE DATE : 11-06-2025
    Zhenzhu Mingmu Diyanye - 珍珠明目滴眼液 - Pearl Eye Drops EXPIRE DATE : 11-06-2025

    Zhen zhu ming mu di yan ye - 珍珠明目滴眼液
    1 botle - 10ml
    Each 1ml contains 20ul of pearl liquid, 1mg of borneol, 8.9mg of sodium chloride, 0.5mg of ethylparaben, and 6.25ul of ethanol.


    € 7,50 € 5,50
  • EXPIRE DATE 2025/04

    Zhuanggu Shexiang Zhitong Gao - 壮骨麝香止痛膏 EXPIRE DATE 2025/04
    Zhuanggu Shexiang Zhitong Gao - 壮骨麝香止痛膏 EXPIRE DATE 2025/04

    Zhuanggu Shexiang Zhitong Gao - 壮骨麝香止痛膏
    1 pack contains 10pc (7cmx10cm)Ingredients :Camphor, Menthol, Methyl Salicylate, Frankincense, Myrrh, Schizonepeta tenuifolia flowering top, Saposhnikovia divaricata root,…

    € 7,50 € 5,50
  • Zuguang San  - Foot soaking powder
    Zuguang San - Foot soaking powder

    Product Names:
    Zuguang San - 足光散Specification:
    40g x 3 bags per box
    Suggested Use:
    Add 1-1.5 liter of boiled hot water to 40 g of the powder, (or add 500-750 ml of boiled hot water to 20 g of the powder), stir to dissolve.…

    € 10,50

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